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When To Get a New Air Conditioner


Are you having trouble cooling down your home? Are your energy bills rising while you struggle with rooms that stay too hot? It may be time for a new air conditioner unit. Here are the top signs that you are ready for a replacement.

The AC Never Seems to Stop

Is your AC running – and never seems to take a break? If it feels like your air conditioner is always on, check to make sure your thermostat settings are correct. If they are, it’s time to take a harder looking at the system and see if it’s ready for a replacement. Older air conditioners have a lot of wear and tear that decreases efficiency. Eventually, they have to run for a long time to reach target temperatures, and may struggle to hold those temperatures for long periods of time. That can cost a lot of money in the summer, and despite the initial costs it’s a smart idea to consider a new AC unit that will solve the problem and lower your monthly bills.

You Recently Renovated

Did you just add new spaces to your house that need to be cooled down? Your old air conditioner probably isn’t ready for them. Air conditioners are rated not only on efficiency, but on how many cubic feet of air they can handle. Usually AC units are fitted to the house (if installed properly), but if you change how much space needs to be cooled down, the AC won’t be able to handle it well. This will loop right around to the first warning sigh, where the AC runs too long and uses up too much energy trying to cool down the house. Think about upgrading to a larger model!

There’s a Lot of Noise

Noise isn’t always a problem. Sometimes rumbling and shaking from your AC can be caused by loose screws or fan belts, which is an easy fix. But long-term, growing noise is a more serious problem that could indicate motor trouble and general age. It’s a good idea to get your AC unit inspected to see if there is any problem that needs to be addressed. This could be a warning sign that you need to replace your AC unit before major components start failing and costing you a lot of money in repairs.

The 10 Year Mark

Your air conditioner won’t automatically stop working after 10 years, but it’s common advice to take a look and think about a new model if you have had yours for around a decade. That’s because advances in AC and cooling technology are always happening, and a new model is likely to be faster and save a lot more energy than a model that’s 10 years. This is also around the time when AC units start showing their age and needing more repairs.

Have questions about your Vancouver WA air conditioning system? Contact Comfort 360 and ask about an inspection! An installation contractor can help you go over pricing, estimates, and whether a new AC unit is the right solution for your home or business!