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There are dozens of different heating and cooling systems in Battle Ground WA homes today and there are dozens more consumers can choose from if they decide to replace their system. However, no matter what kind of heating and cooling in Battle Ground WA you have, you can implement some money saving practices.

First, it starts with your system. If you don’t already have an energy efficient HVAC unit in your home, you might want to consider replacing it with a new one. However, on the other hand, just because you have an energy-efficient HVAC system that doesn’t mean you will automatically save more money on your energy bill.

It’s important to also get regular maintenance on your system, which will ensure that it’s running at optimal capacity. Having a certified technician from Comfort 360 check your unit routinely also means that if anything needs to be repaired or replaced you will know before the damage gets too severe.

Routine maintenance also means that you can be aware of upgrades as well as timely recommendations for new insulation, thermostat settings and air duct sealing. By putting all of those measure together you could save as much as 30 percent on your energy bill. Plus, you will also be leaving a smaller footprint on the environment by putting out fewer emissions.

If you need help with your heating and cooling in Battle Ground WA, then contact us today at Comfort 360 at (360) 706-1496.