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Winter is Coming: Schedule Your Furnace Maintenance


Fall is one of the busiest seasons of the year, and scheduling a furnace maintenance is probably one of the last things on your mind, but keeping up with it can save you big bucks in the long run. Think of furnace maintenance like you would think of car maintenance. You wouldn’t expect your car to be in top shape if you hadn’t changed the oil in 5 years. It’s the same idea with a gas furnace or an electric furnace. They are mechanical systems with components that need to be inspected, cleaned and adjusted from time to time to ensure proper functioning. Simply following the manufacturer’s instructions to keep your HVAC system running in tip top shape and can prevent last minute emergency repairs, which almost always incur lofty service fees.

What are the benefits of annual furnace maintenance?

  • Prolong the life of your system by making sure each piece is in full working order
  • Save on energy costs by improving efficiency
  • May help to keep your warranty valid

In between maintenance, one good habit is to change the furnace filter every 3 months so as to insure proper filtration of dust and allergens that enter your home due to everyday living. Comfort air is licensed, bonded, and insured. We are the professionals you can rely on to help maintain your furnace so it functions at an optimal level. Give us a call today to schedule your annual furnace maintenance.
