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Heating Tips for Your Lacamas WA Home


The cloudy skies and the rainy weather have returned to the Northwest and that means the chilly temperatures are not far behind. Fall and winter weather in the Portland/Vancouver area is no picnic, but keeping your home warm and cozy can take some time and effort, as well as money.

That’s because controlling the temperature in your home, whether you want to keep it warm or cool, takes up more of your energy bill than all of the other systems in your home. On average your HVAC system makes up almost half (48 percent) of your entire utility bill. So what can you do to help keep your home warm and your energy bill down?

First, you should set your programmable thermostat as low as you can in the winter without making the temperature uncomfortable. You should also lower it while your sleeping or when you are going to be gone from home for long periods of time.

Another important thing to remember is to clean and/or replace your filters regularly. Keeping your furniture from blocking air duct vents and warm-air registers will also help your house stay warmer. Open blinds during the day to let sunlight in, then close your blinds at night to help trap warmer air inside.

These are just a few of the steps you can take to keep your house warmer during the winter months. You can also contact the professionals at Comfort 360 to help prepare and winterize your heating and cooling system in Lacamas WA. Call us at (360) 706-1496 or click here to contact us online.
